Recovery Changes Provide Gifts

Working My Recovery

Recovery Changes Provide Gifts

The changes I made in Recovery has given me so many gifts.  Like this is the first year that I’m able and willing to buy Christmas presents for my family and close friends. I can honestly say that I work my ass off for an honest paycheck to buy honest presents for my people. Before I always lied, stole or manipulated the money to get presents but today I choose not to do that. In all honesty my family doesn’t want anything from me, but to see me healthy, happy and clean. Life today isn’t always a happy wonderland. Everyday there are struggles but today I look for the solution, instead of staying in the problem.

The Changes I Made In Recovery Have Given Me So Many Gifts.

Recovery House

Christmas Parade

I went to the Christmas parade with my family and the girl’s in my recovery house which are also family.  I had such a great fucking time. Being there clean and with people that care and love me was just awesome. I was dancing to the band’s, laughing, smiling- just enjoying life. My sister in Louisiana asked me yesterday if my friend and I want to come visit in March. That right there is a gift of recovery.

Working Step Two

I’m on step two now and working on the insanity part. I’m not going to lie its making me feel some type of way but I keep writing and calling my sponsor. I’m grateful I get to experience those feelings today, even though some are bad, good and indifferent.

Doing The Little Things

Tonight I’m going to a meeting. I look forward to going to meetings most days. The days I don’t want to go is when I really need to go. We just all cooked breakfast together in my recovery house that shit means a lot to me!  Just doing the little things like that mean so much. I never spent time with people like that in my active addiction. I spent all my time either in a bathroom, in my room or chasing my next fix.

Better Everyday

So it’s a blessing that I don’t have to do that shit anymore. I can live life today. By working this program I can learn and deal with life on life’s terms. I’m becoming a better person everyday by doing the next right thing.  I am an addict and today is Day 58 for me.  Trust your struggle… The best is yet to come!

 A grateful recovering addict, Nikki.