Higher Power Doesn’t Need Help

Taking Things Into My Own Hands

We Came to Believe

So here I am staring at my workbook and notebook, debating on picking up that pen to continue writing on my second step. “We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” Okay, I’ve got it cool. I do believe in a Higher Power.  Is it a clear and concise concept? No, of course not. But does believing in a Higher Power allow me to have hope? Yes.  So I don’t understand why I have been struggling with moving forward with my second step.  Yet here I am, still staring at my blank notebook.

Taking Things Into My Own Hands

Then, I take a look at my life and the choices I continue make and the actions I continue to take. Am I really believing in my higher power if I lose faith in the process? What’s the point of believing in something greater than myself without the follow through?  I’m great at staying in my lane when I feel like things are going my way. Yet, the second I get a little comfortable, I recognize it, I sit through it momentarily and then celebrate by taking things into my own hands. And, here we go again; of course the chaos, anger, stress and whatever other bullshit springs up nearly instantly.  My Higher Power doesn’t need my help.


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