Freedom Today

Being of Service

 Freedom Today

My name is Nikki, and I am an addict.  This week has been full with the gifts of recovery.  After 8 years of not having my license I got my license back, and my car registered and insured.  I am now a legal driver.  After years of holding onto resentments against the courts, because of losing my license, and spending every penny on the next one. Being clean and sober in recovery has given me freedom today not only from active addiction, but freedom today to own my part in order to make my amends to society. In the 16 months of being clean and sober I have grown as a person, and accomplished goals I never even imagined were possible.

Setting Goals

If you would of told me a year ago I was going to get my license back, I would’ve told you it was impossible.  I had fines of $4000 holding me back, and I didn’t think it was possible.  In putting my recovery first anything is possible. When I worked on my 8th and 9th step my sponsor and I set some goals.

Obtaining Goals

We made a budget plan, and I started putting in the footwork.  Asking God for his guidance along the way.  In 3 months I worked hard, prayed hard, disciplined my spending, paid off all my tickets, set up a payment plan for outstanding court costs, and I bought a car!  Like my own car in 8 years!  I was able to pay the reinstatement fees, and got it insured and registered. I didn’t do it alone.


God, my sponsor and working my program showed me how. My family did chip in some to help me.  Today they see the changes in me, and as a result they are actually willing to help me.  They want what is best for me. I can not express how good it feels to be driving again!  Driving again Legally!  For years I always had to look over my shoulder driving.  Today I am not concerned with that.  Today I try to do the next right thing everyday.

Being of Service

Life will keep getting better with every day I have clean, and for this I have so much gratitude.  Now I can be of service to other addicts, bring them to meetings just as others did for me.  If it wasn’t for the people who drove me, to and from meetings and service commitments, I would not be where I am today.  They are all a part of my journey.

Trust Your Struggle

I am grateful for all the people in my life today.  Everyone that has been a part of my journey has helped me in one way or another.  In my journey there have been lessons.  Some of these people have hurt me, and through that pain came strength.  And, some people have been blessings. The good, and the bad have been growing experiences.  I am grateful for all of those people. Trust your struggle because the best has yet to come!

A grateful recovering addict, Nikki

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