Recovery Home And Community Relations

Support In A Recovery Home

Da Vinci Recovery

As the CEO of Da Vinci Recovery Inc., a for profit organization, there are thoughts I would like to express now.  The weight of these thoughts absolutely require a page of their own.  As a recovering addict myself, I began my recovery in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Later I changed my fellowship to the program of Narcotics Anonymous.  This is not a reflection on either fellowship, but rather a change in the journey of my recovery.  I respect both 12 step programs equally.  Respecting both programs equally is what brings me to the next paragraph in this short blog regarding my recovery home.

12 Step Program Resident Requirement

Yes, this is but a blog that I have chosen to make an entire page of my website.  As CEO and an addict/alcoholic myself,  I am responsible for running a recovery home to best my my ability by utilizing my experience.  Therefore it is mandatory that the residents of Da Vinci Home LLC attend either of these two 12 step programs.  In my recovery experience many people, places, institutions, medical professionals, friends and the two anonymous programs have provided me the ability to live well.  To live a life without the desire to use drugs or alcohol.  And so, it is that my residents must attend AA or NA or both!  Neither AA nor NA have lent their name nor do they endorse Da Vinci Home LLC.

Resident Blogs

Because many of the blogs written by residents of Da Vinci Home LLC are about experiences in one of the twelve step programs, as well as many photos and video taken at 12 step events, there may be instances that an AA logo or an NA Logo is visible.  It is the intent of the blog writer to spread the message of recovery by using their story for attraction and not promotion.  That is not to be implied that either fellowship endorses Da Vinci Home LLC.

Angelique Hofacre, Recovering Addict

Support In A Recovery Home

When I started a recovery home, I used careful attention to never passively or overtly use the AA or NA logo or symbolism in my own marketing. It was not mine to take but an experience to share and give away.  Any support I have received from either fellowship has been personal, with my own sponsor, support network and general fellowship as a member of Narcotics Anonymous.

Community Relations

Marketing the recovery home I provide to others seeking recovery, has at times, infringed on the traditions of both AA and NA.  Specifically pertaining to the Eleventh Tradition and public relations policy being based on attraction and not promotion.  It is not my intent to use that for personal gain and will end this page with…

The program of Alcoholics Anonymous and the program of Narcotics Anonymous are available to us all seeking relief from the disease of alcoholism and addiction whether you choose to live in a transitional home, or are attending another substance abuse programs or simply want to try them on your own.  You do not need Da Vinci Home LLC to gain this resource.

Keep Coming Back

I am a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict, I have been given my recovery through the rooms of AA and NA.  That being said I do not endorse either as well.  We have a saying,  “Keep Coming Back”.  To me this means never give up.  If you choose religion, psychiatry, the “rooms”, I will facilitate and offer resources to all of these.  However, be assured going to AA and NA is a required condition of Da Vinci Home LLC.


Angelique Hofacre, Recovering Addict and CRRA

Reinvent Yourself


