Focus On The Positive
Pray and ask God to remove the anxiousness we are all so accustom to in our lives. We pray that He will give us the acceptance of our current circumstances, and patience and tolerance of others. It will all work out the way it is supposed to, no matter how we choose to handle it. Choosing To Stay Positive , However Hard It May seem.
The Real Battle
I believe that we are here to let God work through us to help and teach others, and vice versa. The real battle is getting outside of ourselves in order to make that happen. We make a conscious choice to do whatever we can for others, whenever we can. Maybe, it will only be a listening ear, or a kind word. If we are open to it, we can see that they are placed in our path for a reason. Maybe it is that they have something we can learn from them. Either way, our whole experience is adding up to the strength, knowledge, and wisdom we will need on our journey.
I know it is hard so see it at times, but, life is a beautiful experience. IF you choose to focus on the good. We are alive, breathing, clothes on our backs, a roof over our head, food to eat and people who love us; though they may not always like us, lol. We may not always have name brand, or even clean clothes; or food in our pantry, or even our own home to hang our hat. But all of these things are obtainable in some way. We have more resources and help with these things than ever. When we are doing the right things, making the right choices, getting involved with the right people…these things tend to come to us without even trying.
And, maybe there are moments when we will not have these things, even though. We have to remember that everything we have gone through, or are going through, has gotten us what we are capable of today…sharing our experience strength and hope with others.

Staying focused on the positive will keep us free of stress and anxiety which cause negative actions and reactions. Peace comes from within, from acceptance, of people, of circumstances…not from outside sources, like people, money, or jobs. It is the awareness that things are taking place as they should and that we are are okay with only focusing on the now. At the point when we realize this, we are able to un-cloud our minds and focus on healing ourselves, becoming healthy-mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Which will ultimately lead to peace and serenity like we have never known before.
That Is why Choosing to stay focused of the positive, no matter how hard it may seem, is so important.
-Nicole L