New To A Halfway House
I was brand new to a halfway house upon my discharge from the ISU detox at BayCare. Being greeted by Angie’s gleaming smile & copious amount of positivity
was wonderful. That was my first sign that I was going to be alright.
I was nervous because I have never lived in a halfway house and pulling up to the Da Vinci Home scared the crap out of me. I guess because of fear of change, being the new girl, the unknown, my own personal worries and such. Yet everyone welcomed me with big hugs and kind words of reassurance.
Pushing Through
Although my first week at the house was FILLED with MULTIPLE tests of my own strength & willpower, I am ELATED to say, despite those voices inside me, the one’s telling me to run away…to run as fast & as far as i could…I HAVE SURVIVED. As my second week comes to a close I’M FEELING MORE WELCOMED AT DA VINCI THAN EVER! All is FANTASTIC now!