Taking Control By Making Decisions
I am taking charge of my recovery! Which means I have to be comfortable with the fact that God has got this. After I finished my third step my sponsor made me wait thirty days before I could start my fourth. She did this because I needed to focus on the fact that I can not control everything but I can be active in my recovery. God has a plan but I also have to be active in this. Taking back control of my my life by making decisions and choices is essential to my recovery. It has helped me feel more confident and shed a little of the self doubt. Of course this is an ongoing tough process.
Decisions For Myself
For so long my addiction made choices for me, then family and healthcare workers. Finally I’m at a point where I can make certain decisions for myself. Now, this doesn’t mean I won’t or do not talk to my sponsor or other addicts about what is going on. This just means I am now able to make decisions on my own and I plan on taking full advantage of that.

Able To Make Decisions For Myself
Decision By Not Making One
I think the biggest lesson I have learned here is that NOT making a decision is a decision in of its self! I absolutely love this!! This is what has empowered me the most. I live in a transitional home right now and I don’t have a plan on when I’m going to move on, and that’s OK.
Living Day By Day
I have decided to live day by day and things will happen when they are supposed to happen. I am not sure what I want to do career wise. If I want to go back to teaching or not. What I have decided to do is find a job that I am happy with so I can pay my bills and I will take it from there, no rush. Again, things will happen how they are supposed to happen. God has a plan and the universe will provide.
Robbed By Addiction
I am sharing this because my addiction robbed me of my self worth which I know is common. However you don’t understand the depth of this until you have lived it. I could’t make a decision to save my life and don’t you dare ask me my favorite color or food because I have no idea. That would require thinking for myself.
Turning Point In Recovery
Going through the first few steps and learning about myself, my disease and decisions I am able to now make has been a huge turning point in my recovery. I am more confident in day to day living and am able to think for myself and make decisions on my own. (well mostly on my own, with the help of my sponsor and a few others)