Hard Work & Reconnecting

Gifts Of Recovery With Hard Work

Gifts Of Recovery And Hard Work

I never thought I would make it past the week. Every Day brings new gifts especially when you’re doing the right thing. I have been battling a fight with my son’s father and I went 45 days without seeing my son. This past week I got to see him and let him open his presents and spend time with him. Then on the weekend my son’s father let him stay the night with me and I never thought that would happen. It’s amazing the things we take for granted when we are in active addiction.  Even more amazing is receiving these things back after putting in some hard work.

Powerless Over Others

My heart was hurting more and more everyday that I didn’t see him. He came over to stay and I got to give him my all. I enjoyed watching him laugh and play.  There’s a lot of hard work to do there, but there’s only so much I can do on my end.  It’s not up to me what my son’s father decides to do. I have already gained so much from being clean and have so much to be thankful for.

Opportunities, Responsibilities And Giving Back

I am studying for the test to become a shift supervisor at my work. I’m able to save money and use it wisely and I was able to spend on Christmas presents. I was just able to reconnect with my little brother and buy him and his girlfriend dinner. Ha and I didn’t talk for a couple years because I did some horrible things when I lived with him and my step-mom.

Some Time To Let Down And Enjoy My Efforts

It was great to be able to spend time with my brother and laugh and enjoy it. He came over to my house and met all the girls that I live with. I’m building a great Support Network and I know I have people that I can reach out to if I need to. I have people tell me every day how proud they are of me but most of all I’m able to look in the mirror and tell myself how proud I am of myself.

I just finished step one and I’m going to go over it with my sponsor tonight. Life is absolutely beautiful when you’re doing the right thing and today I don’t have anything to complain about. I’m better than the person I was yesterday and I’m striving to become a better person tomorrow. The Best Is Yet To Come but I’m looking forward to it.  I am an addict. I have 52 days clean today.

Absolutely grateful recovering addict, Lauren

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