I Need To Remain Humble

I need to remain humble

I Need To Remain Humble

Remaining humble was a constant reminder to me this past week.  Humble enough to ask for help, to seek help and to accept help. Through God’s grace, I was blessed with a moment of clarity that allowed me another fresh start. The gratitude that comes along with coming to this realization is insurmountable.

Past Knowledge, Does Not Equal Today’s Recovery

Although I find it extremely difficult, I continue to walk through life as a woman of integrity, to the best of my ability. Still within the fog, I am beginning to notice how integral it is to remain humble. I easily confuse my past knowledge when choosing to take action today. However, it has become increasingly obvious that all of that past knowledge does not bring much to avail. This is why change is so important.  Without change we will continue to get the same results, and that is not acceptable.  Through this process I continue to have faith, although at times it is painful because growth only comes with time and dedication. Dedication to remain honest with my work in recovery.  I pray that, God willing, I can continue this positive path of recovery.

Humbly yours,


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