Resident Blogs
Ten Months Clean & Sober
Gifts in Recovery
Day 310 clean and sober in my recovery. 10 months and 4 days since I last used. It seems like another lifetime, almost. I owe much of the gifts in recovery to Angie and the Da Vinci Home.
Faith in Higher Power
Grateful Today
Step Three in Recovery
Close Minded to Step Work
My name is Lauren and I am an addict. I have been clean for almost 9 months. My commitment to recovery has been what has saved my ass for the last 9 months. In the beginning I was so close minded, especially towards my step work. I always wondered how writing down everything would to help me in my recovery. But as I continue working the steps, I have realized that my step work is crucial to my recovery.
Working Step Three
I just finished up three and I’m going on to step four. For me this time I’ve been able to honestly work the steps and dig deep. The spiritual principles that I’ve had to practice mainly our honesty open-mindedness and willingness. But the biggest one which entails step three is commitment. Step work is absolutely crucial to my recovery, but there are other things that I also need to do to maintain my commitment to recovery.
Service Commitments
One of those is service work. I always make sure I pick up a service commitment within my home group. My last commandment was giving out key tags. This month my commitment is to chair the meeting. Picking up a commitment like that keeps my butt in check, and it also makes me feel a part of something bigger. Something outside of myself. I’ve also talked to my sponsor and she feels as if I should pick up a commitment outside my home group as well. So the next couple months I’m going to try to go into the detox and speak with other addicts that are trying to get clean. I’ve been through a lot and my story may help someone else. Talking about my Experience, Strength and Hope may just save the life of another addict as it did mine when I heard somebody else.
Turn My Will Over
My recovery is everything to me, and I have to stay humble because everything that I have gotten back and everything I have learned has been because I chose to put my recovery first. So I know that anything that goes before my recovery I will lose. I have things going on in my life, but I turn my will over to my Higher Power and ask for guidance for help with these things that are out of my control, and I know things will be okay when they are supposed to be. My life is a journey and I’m glad I get to experience it clean.
Grateful recovering addict, Lauren.
How To Have Spirituality In Recovery
How To Have Spirituality In Recovery

I believe that spirituality is actually a very easy thing to find. My belief is you actually have to go out of your way to ignore it. From a very early age we are subjected to spiritual teachings in the form of religion. Which for many actually turns into a sore topic. I myself have gone through my “Agnostic/Atheist” phases.
Becoming More Open Minded
For me religion at first was a huge turn off, so when I decided to work on my spiritual self, I went to build a god work shop. I picked and pulled from different religions to figure out which best fit me. I could easily write off some religions as wrong or some religions were just “too far out there” for me. After dabbling, reading, and practicing I found myself subscribing to more and more. Eventually I realized that I was just simply becoming more open minded. Then I came to this realization, There is no right or wrong religion as long as those religions follow spiritual principles. You’ll find that most religions actually over lap in many ways. Its just different ways to practice these spiritual principles. Most every religion has the “gold rule.”
Do Not Look For Spirituality In Material Things
Spirituality, this is a difficult thing to describe. Abstract, foreign, alien? Spirituality for me is the thing that fills the void. We’re constantly sold the narrative that “money can’t buy you happiness.” So if material things can’t make me happy what can? For me I’ve always lived a pretty good life. No struggles, naturally gifted in many ways. Here’s the thing though, I always felt like I needed more. This is easily described in Buddhism as the four noble truths. 1. There is suffering. 2. The origin of suffering is desire. 3. There is a way to stop desire. 4.To stop desire follow the 8 fold path. Even in Christianity Jesus talks about desire and greed. “Watch out! Be on your guard of all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions” Luke 12:15
A wonderful Journey That Never Has To End
With this being said we’ve figured out that we’ve been chasing the wrong thing this entire time. As I’ve mentioned before, spirituality is the thing that fills the void. I’ve had a lot and felt empty and I have had little and I felt full. There are many ways to feed your spiritual being and it is up to you to figure out how. There are many wonderful enlightening ways to go about this. So many wonderful journeys to take. The coolest thing about this journey is that it never has to end.