Resident Blogs

Treatment Centers Start My Journey Of Recovery

Treatment Center And My Journey

A treatment center was where the start of my journey into recovery.  My journey of recovery began back in 2005.  This is when I was arrested for possession. This charge for possession landed me in drug court. They started me off by going through outpatient treatment.  But my addiction was much more powerful than the outpatient treatment I was receiving.  There wasn’t a chance I could stay sober in outpatient. I failed many drug tests, and missed my classes.  So the courts ordered me to inpatient treatment.  And, I had to sit in jail while I waited for a bed.

My Release To Inpatient

My name was called on June 1st 2005, and I was released to a treatment center in Pinellas County.  The treatment center came to pick me up.  The next six month I would be at this inpatient treatment center.  I remember clearly my first meeting with my counselor, and telling him there’s no way I would be able to finish this program.  I’ve never done anything good in my life.  Until then, I wasn’t a good daughter, a good sister or a good mother.  I couldn’t hold down a job or even keep a friend at this point.  He had way more faith in me than I ever had.

Getting Started

I knew the only reason why I was there.  Because I was court-ordered, and if I were to run away I was going to end up in prison.  So I gave this recovery stuff a shot.  I remember feeling extremely uncomfortable around other people. I wasn’t in touch with my feelings or emotions.  Not one little bit!  I didn’t even trust my own thoughts about how I was feeling.  Why?  Because I had not been clean for six years at this point.  In other words, I didn’t know how to laugh, or cry sometimes.  We were in groups from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m. everyday. One group per hour.

Let The Healing Begin

Each group had a purpose. I had never been in treatment center before. So, I was not really aware of the healing I was getting ready to go through. I was with the same people day after day.  There must have been thirty of us. Some of us would go, but there would always be another to fill that chair. We grew very close during our groups. Every Tuesday there would be a graduation for those who completed their 6-month successfully. I knew I wouldn’t make it to my graduation.  But each day I wanted it more and more, and I continued going to groups.

Let The Healing Continue

I continued sharing with others and working through my tears, insecurities and fears.   And, I started to change a little bit. I remember looking in the mirror one day and realizing I do like that that person looking back. These groups and this treatment stuff was really starting to work. I went through anger, fear, laughter and doubt.  Sometimes I would go through all of those feelings in just one day.  It would become exhausting because I would make things a lot harder on myself than I should have.

My Treatment Center Graduation

Then my day came!  On November 28th 2005 it was another graduation day.  It was my graduation day.  By the way, it wasn’t just me there.  So was my grandmother and a few friends who were very proud of me. I never had that before. My grandmother even stood up and told the world she was happy and proud to call me her granddaughter.  I did make it!


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Recent Relapse, Feelings And Resentments

Recent Relapse And Feelings

A recent relapse was not planned. Sometimes everyone thinks that you can predict what your going to do and use, but I really didn’t. I started feeling really angry and annoyed with things that could of been handled appropriately. But, I felt that if I had shared exactly how I was feeling then people would have looked at me differently.

Opportunities And Gratitude

I had the opportunity of a lifetime right before my recent relapse. I was able to go pick my daughter up from Ocala, and bring her to Da Vinci to stay with me for a few days. How wonderful is that?!!!  But, I didn’t consider everything before bringing her.  I felt really sad that I couldn’t take her places and buy her things. In reality I should have stopped and just been grateful to have her here with me.  And I was, but I’m an addict, and we want more sometimes.  That wanting more and having to have more got me into a lot of trouble. It made me hurt the friends that truly care about me.  Friends that have my back.

Away From People In Recovery

I started holding resentments for it.  Instead of reaching out and asking for suggestions, I got all in my head.  And, I became bitter about the things I was feeling.  So, my genius mind starting telling itself that maybe I should just get away.  Maybe I needed time to myself.  Time away from the people in recovery.  Well big mistake!!!!

The Relapse

As soon as I leave my zone of people in recovery, I fall flat on my face.  I ended taking a pill and drinking. I thought well I’ll just do it once.  The whole time telling myself “just today, and tomorrow I wont”.  Well, then my mind was playing tricks on me.  I was wanting to “just get away for the day”.  So, I asked to if I could have an overnight.  And by the grace of god I was drug tested before told yes or no.   My test was positive, and it all came out “in the wash”.

Blessings In Disguise

So many things happened that got in my way that day.  Things that later turned out to be a blessing.  And most especially, probably saved my damn life.  My sponsor just so happened to show up that same day.  She sensed something was “off” about me.  So, out of no where she came by to take me to a meeting.

Loosing Site Of Gratitude

My point is that it is so easy to slip up and relapse.  It happens that quick.  Nothing was wrong in my life, as in no deaths, or break ups etc.  My job’s going great.  I even got my licence back.  So many things are going good in my life. I had gained my trust back from people I care about.   Man what’s wrong with me?!!!!

Recovery Takes Work

There were signs!  There are always signs!  Once again, I wasn’t working my recovery.  I wasn’t calling my sponsor, or doing step work.  My thinking was that by just going to meetings would enough.  I wasn’t taking advantage of my people in recovery, of my people in the rooms.  And, that was obviously not enough to stay clean. Well I’m living proof that “just meetings” don’t work.  You have to include other things with going to your meetings.  Things like, having a good sponsor.  A sponsor that will call you out on your shit!  Actually getting into and working the steps.  It’s a simple program.

Grateful And Blessed

So, just for today I’m gonna take a step back.  I’m gonna look at the consequences of my actions before reacting and doing what I want.  Going forward I will reach out to the people in recovery.  To just be GRATEFUL for what I do have today. We always want more.  But someone told me if I’m patient and keep doing the next right thing, things will fall into place when its time. Writing about my recent relapse is to hopefully help someone out there not relapse.  To know there are options when they are feeling the same way I was.  I’m very GRATEFUL and BLESSED to be at Da Vinci today!


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Shame And Obsession Comprise Branded Wounds

Branded Wounds

Shame and Obsession are two elements that comprise what I refer to as my branded wounds, which comprise my branded wounds.  The cycle of addiction has forever changed every facet of my life. I have been foolishly dishonest with myself, those that I love, and all I came in contact with during active addiction. I would hide behind this false mask of normalcy.   My logic being if I did not show my pain or insecurity then all would be well. I could conceal my true form behind the thick blanket of isolation and self delusion, and simply shut the world and all in it out.

Relapse Brings More Guilt And Shame

This dishonesty robbed me of any ability to make any lasting intimate connections with any human. The fact was that I could not give anyone anything of value since I had lost who I was completely.  My true self orbited out like a distant, lonely cold planet far from the warmth of a life giving sun. Addiction is akin to an rotating orbit, tilted on the axis of isolation and suffering. Feelings of failure would overtake me, rocketing and flinging me into another relapse. The relapse would cause more guilt and shame.  For which would lead to more use, and so the continued orbit.

Forcing An Inward Search

At the end as I roused from the drunken and drugged stupor.  I was filled with the slap of red-cheeked shame personified. The sting of it like a branded wound upon soft flesh . Shame is much different than guilt in my humble opinion. Shame clings and sticks to ones inner woven fabric like sticky sap, forcing an inward search to remove the residue of uncleanliness.

Steadfast Resilience

Today I tend my most deeply felt of these wounds. They eventually shall heal, forming unseen scars that I may trace delicately and feel the surface and texture. In time I will not experience the exquisitely sharp edge of pain as when they were first inflicted. Scars, seen or unseen can represent the steadfast resilience to continue onward despite temporary physical or emotional pain, and prove that despite all that has happened. We yet still stand. With this I will leave you, the good reader, with a poem by Dylan Thomas.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Old age should burn and rave at the close of day:
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know the dark is right,
Because their words had no forked no lighting they
do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men near their death, who see with blinding sight,
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
                               -Dylan Thomas

Shapes And Forms Of Obsession

Obsession has taken many shapes and forms in the course of my life. I can recall even as a child that I could easily be entrapped in the snare of time consuming thought patterns.  I would sit for many hours at the kitchen table pouring over text books, writing then rewriting a particular assignment.


The Feeling Of Belonging

At age 10 or 11 it was not uncommon for me to stay up until 11 pm inspecting the quality of my work.  At age 13, I had my first drink of alcohol. That may be an understatement of sorts.  In actuality I ingested half a bottle of liqueur. I was in the garage of my childhood home with a group of girlfriends from school and I managed to abscond the alcohol from my fathers cabinet and hurried to show the bounty off. My fellow peers pulled small drinks from the bottle, coughing and gagging on the foul taste. I on the other hand, obsequiously downed half the bottle. Head light, spinning with Ferris Wheel like movement, a newly budding feeling sprouted- the feeling of belonging.

Obsession Takes Other Footholds

This is the moment I feel when the obsession to consume substances, to alter my state of being began in earnest. This progressed throughout high school and picked up locomotive steam in adulthood. In sobriety I have learned that should we not change our behaviors and framework of thinking.  We will still live similar lives as we did in active addiction. The obsession will just take a foothold in an other area, be that risky relationships, shopping, gambling, or any myriad of possible vices.

Present To Lesson Compulsion

Presently can find myself becoming consumed with pervasive thoughts of past circumstances and future uncertainty. I am however learning, with much effort, to remain present. Doing so seems to lesson the compulsion to ruminate over things I simply have no power over currently. The present is the only moment I truly have any influence over after all. The Serenity Prayer comes to mind when pondering on the topic of obsession.







May we all be granted such Wisdom. Until next week, good reader. -CB

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A Friend Remembered And Forgotten Laughter

A Friend Remembered

I remember my childhood friend, as I only had one.  Her name was Jean, and she could make me laugh so hard I would cry.  It was not every day that would happen.  But when it did I felt at ease with another person.  It was like I had a special quality about me.  Something that my friend Jean liked.  I always wondered why she could make me laugh and others could not.

Far And Few Fun Times

As the years passed I would never know that feeling again . At some point in my life things changed for me.  People in my eyes were not to be trusted, and so fun times were far and few between.  My life was about me and only me.

Incapable Of Being A Friend

My addiction stayed the same way, and was my only relationship.  The one friend I had in life, Jean, was never replaced.  Yes, of course I knew people.  But as far as a true friend, I had no one. However, I was incapable of being a friend.  And sometimes I would wonder why, why couldn’t I?

Accepting I Had A BIG Problem

It seemed to me other alcoholics had friends.  They would even be the types of friends to offer support if someone was in trouble. Supportive in perhaps bonding them out of jail when they get a DUI . I mean it should not of been so hard to even find a drinking buddy, but it was.  After a while, when people tell me all the mean things I had said the night before, I did know I had a big problem with alcohol.  But in no way was I willing to deal with it.  And so I could live with out your friendship.

Today I laughed really hard, with a person I don’t really even like or trust.  And you know what?  It was not about all of that.  It was just being in the moment.  That moment of being silly and letting my self feel happiness and unity.  It was like that feeling I had with my friend Jean.  And it was truly a fun laugh.  With all my brokenness I let my guard down.  Even if only for a few minutes it was absolutely worth it . I miss those days!  Life is short, and I need to take some risks in my recovery.  Risks to let me guard down so that I can laugh.  And yes, even if it’s only for a few minutes, one day at a time!


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Life In Recovery Reunites Me With Family

Life In Recovery And Reunification

My life in recovery today provided me an opportunity to visit my family.  Today is my last day in New Jersey and later on this afternoon I’ll be getting on the plane to go back to Florida. The last few days have been nothing short of amazing. I am so grateful to have these beautiful people in my life. But, don’t get me wrong, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. Because of my past and all the turmoil I have caused, challenges and trust issues definitely surface.

Offering Peace Of Mind

My family knows I have been doing well and they try their best to understand.  But it’s difficult to let the past go, the fear of impending doom. It’s no secret that the thought of “if we leave her alone will half our things go missing?” or “is she really going there or is that the next excuse to go out on a run?” pops into their heads. But it’s my job to stay present and take responsibility, for the past present and future. My family deserves to have a peace of mind.

Happy, Joyous And Free

Through my life in recovery I have found some serenity myself.  And if I can be happy, joyous and free then why wouldn’t I want to share that experience with those I love the most? I know that’s something I can’t just wish into existence though. There is definitely work involved, lots of prayer and spiritual principles (cough cough patience). But it is absolutely worth it.

Life Is A Blessing

My relationships have already improved immensely.  So, I can only imagine what the future holds. Four months ago my brother wouldn’t even talk to me and this morning I was helping him get ready for work.  This may sound minute, but the fact that he’s allowing me back into his life is such a blessing. To say that I treasure that relationship is an understatement.

Grateful For My Relationships Today

I’m so proud of myself for how far I’ve already come.  How things are getting so much better.  When I get a taste of that up here it makes it hard to leave. I’ve already had a couple of moments having to say bye to my best friend and my brother. But I have to remain grateful that I get to have those relationships today.  I have to remember  my life in recovery is what allowed me to get to this point.

Life In Recovery Provides Opportunities

It is so important for me to stay grounded in my higher power, in NA and in recovery.  That is what has provided me with these opportunities.  My life in recovery in Florida has already given me so much freedom and happiness.  And, I am not willing to give that up.  How lucky am I to have people that I love so much, whether I’m in New Jersey or Florida? As sad as I am to say goodbye, I can’t wait to get back to my Florida family.


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